Why is English the most useful language to learn?











Start Young



Why is English the most useful language to learn?

In recent times English has taken the world by storm as the most popular and useful language to learn worldwide. Here are some important facts you should know about.


In the business world, English is the language in which most trade deals, negotiations & contracts are made, so being able to communicate in English will more than likely come in useful. On top of that it can help you land a good, well paid job or even a job overseas in a country you’ve always wanted to live in. Having good English skills will make you a valuable asset in any company.


Do you enjoy entertainment? It’s a solid fact that most famous and well-liked movies/music produced around the globe are made in English, being able to understand first hand what the Artist/Character is trying to convey is a very satisfying feeling. Furthermore watching movies/TV shows without the need of subtitles is a great feeling, you can focus more on watching as opposed to reading the text at the bottom of the screen.


Travelling abroad can be tricky if you don’t know any English. It’s well known that all countries across the world who rely on tourism for their economy advertise in English. For example, in Europe, countries such as; Holland, Denmark, Croatia and Germany, the majority of the population can speak good, if not perfect English. Being able to communicate in English will help your holidays pass smoothly without the need of using a translating application such as Google Translate.


Making new friends can always be tricky, especially if your living in a foreign country but if your going out to meet some new people, you’ll find that at most bars/clubs around the globe its much easier to do this if you can speak English.

Start Young

If you know anyone who’s learned a language from a young age and stuck with it, there’s a good chance they are good at or fluent in that language. Learning to speak languages from a young age is very important, one of the reasons is it helps people learn correct pronunciation & accents as its easier to adjust & improve upon them at a young age. Another reason, probably the most obvious is that kids’ brains are like sponges, they can absorb and remember so much information its unbelievable.

In conclusion, there are many reasons as to why being able to speak English is useful. It’s never too late to start learning!