Spring Learning Phonics (Ayato)

ここスプリングでは、教科書「Happy valley」を使うことで、満足度の高いレッスンを提供することができます。英語は、若いうちに習い始めるのが一番だと信じています。Ayatoくんは、レベル1のRedクラスからスプリングに通っています。多くの生徒さんと一緒で、Ayatoくんは英語が全くの初めてでした。毎週の宿題もきちんとやり、家族からのサポートもあり、英語力が高まりました。

こちらのビデオは、フォニックスの復習をしているAyatoくんのレッスン中の様子です。現在Ayatoくんは、レベル2のYellowクラスにいます!教科書は、「Happy Valley 2」です。




A = Ally Ant
B = Billy Bus
C = Cally Cat
D = Dilly Dog
E = Elly Elephant
F = Filly Fish
G = Golly Goat
H = Holly Horse
I = Iggy Iguana
J = Jilly Jellyfish
K = Kippy Kangaroo
L = Leo Lion
M = Milly Monkey
N = Nikky Nurse
O = Olly Octopus
P = Penny Pig
Q = Queeny Queen
R = Rabby Rabbit
S = Sissy Snake
T = Tommy Tiger
U = Uncle Umpire
V = Vinny Vampire
W = Winny Witch
X = Loxy Fox
Y = Yally Yak
Z = Ziggy Zebra

At Spring Learning, we are very pleased with the results from the Happy Valley series. Our youngest students are time and time again reinforced our belief in the power of starting children at a young age. Ayato started last year in our Red class (the first year the children use books). He was just like most our beginner students and had absolute no experience in English. He always does his homework and has wonderful support from his family.

Here is a video shot last week of Ayato practicing his Year 2 Phonics. He is now in our Yellow class and is doing extremely well.

Another philosophy at Spring is to keep all our classes to a 6 person maximum capacity. We believe that quality lessons and giving every child any chance to contribute really pays off. If you want to join like Ayato did, we have 3 seats open for Saturday at 9AM. If your son or daughter is 4+ years old, we have room in our Yellow class too.

Please call our toll free number to get connected to our Japanese support staff. They can help you with information regarding our complete schedule.

We look forward to seeing you at one of our FREE TRIAL lessons!