

We wanted to take a moment to share some updates we’ve made to our classrooms by presenting these pictures. There are many reasons why we’ve done this. All of which are to make Spring a better place for all of our students. Results for your education are equally as important as having fun. Our spacious spaces like have just got better! Our goal is to constantly improve and never settle for mediocrity.

教室の模様替えは、2021年にスタートしたSpring Internationalに向けたものです。Springに通っている方とそのご兄弟には、優先してご案内いたします。中高生向けの早期登録に関するお知らせは、一般公開の前に、メールにてお知らせいたします。

The main reason we’ve adjusted our classrooms is because of Spring International which launched in early 2021. Spring students and their siblings will always have first priority for new programs being started. Early registration for Junior and Senior Highschool students will be announced via email before we announce publicly. Rest assured students will have support when they reach Junior High school and beyond. Supporting our community is of the utmost importance so we want to make sure kids have a home during their High school years. This is an area we needed to improve and so we are.


In order for us to maintain and improve our high quality classes, this past week we re-organized each classroom to be efficient and more spacious. Our goal is to have the perfect space.


Please bear with us as we prepare. 2022 is going to Spring’s most exciting year yet! New programs for all ages, new events for all ages, fun excursions, free workshops for parents that want further their understanding of English to help their kids on their journey. There is clear difference when homework is completed so we are planning on offering workshops once a month in Japanese to help explain Spring’s teaching Philosophy.


2020-2021 was a year of ups and downs. 2022 will be dramatically different in positive way, that we promise. Many more ups, so please smile. We are extremely excited to get back things back to normal. But more importantly, we want do it in the safest way possible.

Thanks for reading and thank you for being a part of the Spring Community.

A Room – Adult Class, Green, Purple 3席

B Room 6席

Yellow, Green, Orange, Purple, Brown 6席

C Room – New!Green, Orange, Purple 6席

D Room- 全年齢-6席