


Springの公式LINEアアカウントへのご登録もよろしくお願いいたします。LINEにて最新情報やイベント情報などを通知していきます。 今年は特に全てのメンバーにとって幸運な年だと感じています。楽しみいっぱいの新年を皆さまと迎えられることを心待ちにしています。

A big thank you to everyone that waited patiently for our 2020 Calendar to be released. We are happy to announce our new events while still bringing back some of our old events.

Please also add our LINE so you can keep up to date about everything happening at Spring Learning. Indeed we feel very fortunate for all of our members and we look forward to a fun filled new year.

Spring Learning in Yokohama – Dan Pape with his Kids that will frequent the School